Healthy Breakfast Smoothie Recipe


  • 5-6 ice cubes
  • 1 banana
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 3-4 tablespoons of oats
  • 1 tbsp Coconut Oil
  • 1 cup berries of choice


  1.  Add oats to blender and pulse until finely milled
  2. Add ice, banana, berries, and almond milk
  3. Blend
  4. Add coconut oil into blender while still blending ** coconut oil is healthiest in its raw form, so feel free to add it solid. If you choose to melt your coconut oil, which I prefer, it is best to warm the jar in a bowl of warm water, however you can also microwave for a short 10 seconds*
  5. Blend until smooth & creamy

Healthy Breakfast Smoothie Recipe! ❤ Strawberry Oatmeal Smoothie w/ Coconut Oil!


3 Easy Smoothie Recipes

Smoothie #1

● Orange juice- 1 cup
● Plain/ greek yogurt – 2-3 spoons
● Ice- 1/2 cup
● Frozen fruit- 1/2 cup
● 1 ripe banana

Smoothie #2

● 3-6 strawberries (frozen or fresh)
● Milk- 3/4- 1 cup
● 1 ripe banana
● Pineapple 2-3 chunks (optional)
● 1/2 cup of ice
● Granola- 1/2 cup

Oreo Milkshake!

●Oreos- 6 or more
● 3/4 cup of milk
●3 or more cups of Vanilla icecream
● Ice