Do you also agree that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? However, we all have different habits related to this part of the day. Some drink coffee first, then eat, while others do not miss a meal at any cost. Although the opposite has been claimed many times, there is actually no right way because it all depends on individual preferences.
What we know for sure is that breakfast is a really important meal and we should make it as nutritious and energizing as possible. But there are also people who take their role in preparing coffee and breakfast for themselves and their loved ones very seriously. They make sure that all tastes are compatible, like true gourmets. For instance, this website loves to use an automatic pour over coffee maker as a convenient way to make great-tasting coffee at home!
For example, the combination of coffee and meal is really interesting to observe and put together. When you find out that your favorite FollyCoffee has a new Folly La La La coffee blend, you immediately get ideas and inspiration for breakfast.
Sometimes it’s a high-calorie meal, other times it’s energizing, but it’s always nutritionally high-quality so you can make the most of the nutritional benefits.
That is why we have prepared several recipes, that is, ideas for what to eat with your morning coffee.
1. Pizza with eggs and bacon

You can prepare the bacon pizza in the morning and it will take you about 30 minutes. The idea is to use pre-made dough. Spread it nicely in the bottom of the baking tray on baking paper.
Apply enough oil, beat eggs aside and put bacon in them. Fry the eggs like scrambled eggs, then spread this mixture over the dough.
Add pepper, pepper chunks, and cheese to your liking. It is enough to bake for just a few minutes until the dough turns red and the cheese melts.
2. Oatmeal cake

Instead of the boring oatmeal, we recommend you make a cake with oatmeal. Mix the flakes with four tablespoons of flour, add sugar, a little salt, cinnamon, and half a teaspoon of baking powder. Add vanilla, and coconut butter, and add four eggs. Bake this mixture for about half an hour. The taste is wonderful.
Combine with coffee or your favorite tea.
3. Salad with boiled eggs

Eggs are the best food you can include in your breakfast. And this recipe will surely amaze you.
Boil four eggs and fry a few pieces of bacon. At the bottom of a large plate, place a mixed green salad, then slices of avocado, bacon, and quartered eggs. Season only with pepper, salt, and balsamic vinegar. You can also put olive oil and add parmesan.
This dose is enough for two, but if you have more, add more eggs and bacon.
4. Buttermilk waffles

In the regular waffle mix, replace part of the liquid with an equal amount of buttermilk. This trick works on any recipe. The taste you will get is something you will never forget.
To begin with, replace one-third of the liquid ingredients, and later you can do half of them. It really doesn’t get any better than this, especially if you eat them with pumpkin cream, chocolate sauce, or your favorite jam.
5. Tortilla Wrap

It is enough to have buyers of tortillas and a lot of creativity to prepare different combinations. For example, you can always have cheese that melts easily, some cured meat, olives, tomatoes, or lettuce in the fridge.
It really doesn’t take much to come up with an energizing combination of flavors and prepare your favorite breakfast. Roast the sparrow to maximize the flavors. You can prepare this even when you are in a hurry in the morning, and it can be a meal for you in other parts of the day as well.
6. The well-known muffins

You can use any muffin recipe you like. And the supplements depend on exactly what you are eating at the moment. For example, it can be blueberries, chocolate, or slices of apple or banana.
It’s always good to have a spare recipe for savory muffins, which you can enrich with cheese, olives, chopped pepper, or slices of sausage.
7. Casserole with Vegetables

Pick a few potatoes, add Brussel sprouts, add chopped bell pepper, deli meat, and cheese, and top with beaten eggs and added salted cooking cream. Bake it well and you can combine it with different types of sauce, or eat it when it cools down.
8. Avocado toast

This is a combination you can never go wrong with. The basic recipe is to put avocado seasoned to your taste on toasted bread. Then you can add pieces of boiled eggs, mozzarella, tomatoes, and even pickled vegetables.
You can combine it with milk spread or with smoked salmon. It all depends on what you want to add to your avocado toast.
9. Potato salad

Cut the potatoes into cubes and boil them briefly in boiling and salted water. Then transfer them to a wok frying pan and add chopped pepper and leek. You can also add some soy sauce and olives, to get a deeper taste.
Season with spices as desired. Put a large amount of the salad on a piece of toast and enjoy the combination of flavors.
10. French toast

French toast is really easy to make and can be eaten both salty and mild.
The secret is to use stale bread and dip each piece in a mixture of eggs, milk, and spices as desired. Fry on a non-stick pan with a little oil.
Add butter and maple syrup, jam, cream cheese, grated cheese, or pesto. You can combine an infinite number of flavors, all of which will be in perfect harmony with your freshly brewed coffee.
Now you have ten great ideas on how to prepare a breakfast that you will serve with your coffee party. You can always create bite-size meals from any of these recipes. Be creative, and feel free to enhance any of the meal ideas we mentioned in this article.
Maybe you will create something more enjoyable and delicious, your guests will enjoy and talk about it after the party.